Replica is a luxury lifestyle brand that offers high-quality, affordable replica products of designer brands including clothing, footwear, accessories, and more.
Founded in 2012 in Paris by the Comitu00e9 Colbert, a group of French luxury brands
Has since expanded globally with flagship stores in major cities around the world
An online retailer that sells pre-owned designer handbags and accessories
An online and brick-and-mortar retailer that sells authenticated luxury consignment products
A department store chain that offers discounted designer products
High-quality replica designer handbags at affordable prices
High-quality replica designer shoes at affordable prices
High-quality replica designer clothing at affordable prices
It is not legal to buy or sell replica products as they infringe on the intellectual property rights of the original brand owner. However, some countries have more relaxed laws on replicas than others.
Replica products can vary in quality, but Replica brand products are of high quality and are designed to closely mimic the original designer products.
Replica products are often made with lower quality materials and may have slight differences in design and details compared to the original product. However, Replica brand products are designed to be almost identical to the original, making it difficult for even a trained eye to tell the difference.
Replica does not offer a warranty on their products, but they do have a return policy for items that are damaged, defective, or do not meet the customer's expectations. The returns must be made within 7 days of receiving the product.
Replica products do not come with the original packaging of the original designer brand. Instead, they come with their own packaging that is designed to look similar to the original.